What does the blue gay flag mean

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'A Bi Advocacy Group Claimed Copyright Over the Bi Pride Flag. Also he said he is not bisexual and doesn't want to be associated with the flag. 'Hey can you help us with this page called Bisexual Pride Flag? Ita wholly inaccurate and we can put you in touch with 'Michael Page' who identified the info was wrong. 'This Organization Wants to Be Paid for Use of the Bi Pride Flag'. 'A group is threatening legal action & demanding payment for use of the bisexual pride flag'. ^ a b Bollinger, Alex (April 29, 2020).Youth, Education, and Sexualities: An International Encyclopedia. Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling of Alabama. 'A Storied Glossary of Iconic LGBT Flags and Symbols'. ^ a b Petronzio, Matt (June 13, 2014).White: represents people across the gender and sexuality spectrums more broadly. ' Queer x Design highlights 50 years of LGBT+ graphic design'. Flag Meaning Blue: represents masculinity. ^ Jordahn, Sebastian (October 23, 2019).^ a b c d e 'History, Bi Activism, Free Graphics'.^ 'Counseling and Wellness Services - Safezone Symbols'.

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