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The story begins when a young woman discovers a murder plot. Russian Doll Russian Doll is a female-driven, sexy, edgy crime thriller.Hurricane Bianca: From Russia With Hate After winning over the staff and students of Milford High School, chemistry teacher Richard Martinez aka Bianca Del Rio.

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'Surprisingly suspenseful and wickedly intriguingâ. You Belong to Me 'A Gay Spin on Polanski's The Tenant and Rosemary's Baby.' - Variety.More Beautiful For Having Been Broken Nicole Conn, director and writer of classic romances including A PERFECT ENDING, ELENA UNDONE and CLAIRE OF THE MOON pre.Jules of Light and Dark In present-day Texas, Maya (Tallie Medel) and her on again, off again girlfriend Jules (Betsy Holt) total their car afte.Good Kisser From award-winning writer/director Wendy Jo Carlton, (Easy Abby, Jamie and Jessie are Not Together), comes this fresh, r.Ahead of the Curve With a fist full of credit cards, a lucky run at the horse track, and chutzpah for days, Franco Stevens launched Curve.

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